Community Work

Animal welfare is at the heart of everything we do. Here you can read about what we’re doing to make the world a better place for animals and how you can support our goals.

Cat Microchip Legislation

In June 2024, mandatory cat microchipping was introduced in England. In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, we knew so many cat owners wouldn’t be able to afford this simple procedure. We launched the only completely free cat microchip service in Bexhill with no restrictions on who could benefit. Within only a few weeks, we’d received hundreds of registrations and microchipped 165 cats!

Wondering how long it takes to microchip a cat? Watch our speedy volunteer Vet Nurse, Cassey in action…

While speaking to our attendees for this event, we realised pet owners need much more help than we were already providing. Over half of the cats we saw weren’t neutered because their families couldn’t afford it. The sad reality is that many pet owners struggling financially end up surrendering their pets to rescues like us. To help prevent this, we’re committed to helping as many people (and their pets!) as we can.

To help with our research into what is the most needed pet service, register your needs here.