Our Partners

We’re lucky to have many friends who are just as passionate about rescuing as we are. We couldn’t function without these amazing people who share our ethos that together, we save more paws.

Kiko’s Cat Cafe, Rye

Kiko’s Cat Cafe is a welfare-focused cat cafe on the south coast. Their mission is to improve mental and physical health with the calming effect of cats. Kiko’s houses a few permanent residents who thrive in the busy environment, as well as some temporary guests who are looking for their perfect home. All the cats are rescued cats from us and apart from the permanent ones, they’re all up for adoption. Cats for the cafe are carefully selected based on their confidence.

You can book a table here.

Mirela Soare

Mirela has been our partner since day one and we’ve had a close relationship with her for years from our work at other rescues. Mirela manages a private shelter in Romania which she receives no funding for, only donations. There she houses dogs she has saved either from the streets or kill shelters. Mirela also houses dogs with physical or mental health issues, and cats in her own home. Our team have lent a hand improving her shelter with shade shelters, cleaning and walking the dogs.

The Great Catsby

The Great Catsby is a rescue operating in both Romania and the UK. Their mission is to turn nobody’s cats into somebody’s beloved lifelong companions. They save many cats from the streets, often with serious health issues. Like us, they are committed to neuter campaigns and organise free events in various towns and villages. Many times, stray cats from neuter campaigns also find themselves in The Great Catsby’s care.